
Tenders for eatage 02/2024 – Greengates

The Council are now inviting tenders for the letting of pasture of Green Gate (O.S 228 & 179 approximately 0.652 acres) from 1st August 2024 – 25th July 2025.

Further details of the tender are available from the Town Council Office by emailing between Tuesday and Thursday 9.00-4.00pm.

The closing date for the submission of tenders is midday on Friday 26 July 2024 and these should be lodged with the Clerk to Middleham Town Council ( or Middleham Key Centre, Park Lane, Middleham DL8 4RA).  If by post, please submit tenders in a sealed envelope marked “Tender for Green Gates”.

Tender notice Greengates 2024