Further to the Post published on September 27, 2022, that from 1 April 2023 a new North Yorkshire Council will replace the eight councils in North Yorkshire to deliver all the public services your...
Proposal to temporarily suspend the sixth form of Wensleydale School The Wensleydale School and Sixth Form
The School has published a Consultation Document, pasted below. Consultation on the proposed temporary suspension of Sixth Form provision for a period of up to two years. The Governing Body is...
The New Unitary Authority for North Yorkshire – Have Your Say in the Let’s Talk programme
This is a forwarded message from North Yorkshire County Council From 1 April 2023, North Yorkshire Council will replace the eight councils in North Yorkshire to deliver all the public services...
Consultation on the New North Yorkshire Unitary Authority ‘Let’s Talk campaign’
The Town Council has received the following from NYCC. We are kick-starting North Yorkshire’s biggest countywide conversation, Let’s Talk, this autumn to understand how the public are feeling,...