The Civic Burial Ground is now Open (April 2022).
The burial ground ‘rules’ govern such matters as the appearance of the plots and headstones, which will broadly reflect those of the churchyard next door. A copy may be obtained from the Clerk or downloaded here. Burial Ground Rules 13 April 22
Fees payable can be viewed here. Burial Ground Fees 13 04 22
If you wish to purchase an exclusive right of burial, the form is here. Deed of Grant of Right of Burial MTC 13 04 22. Payment of the fee (currently £345 and £690 for residents and non-residents respectively, further details on the Fees schedule) may be made by cheque payable to ‘Middleham Town Council’ or by BACS. If you wish to pay by BACS, please contact the Clerk for details.
Please note that all funeral bookings should be made through a funeral director.
A copy of the statutory grave plan may be viewed here. Statutory Plan 13 04 22
The burial ground has been a long time in the making; it took over 11 years just to transfer ownership of the land to the Town Council. It should serve the needs of Middleham for many decades.
The Clerk may be contacted at