Join the Etc. Prince’s Trust Team programme and we can help you achieve your potential! Our Team programme is a 12-week personal development course for young people aged 16-25. Gain a...
Children and Young People
Santa’s Grotto at Middleham Key Centre Saturday 10th December 2022
Time:2.00pm–4.00pm All children aged 9 and underliving in Middleham are invited. There will be a present from Santa, a Bouncy Castle, party food & Crafts. Please RSVP by 28th November,...
HM the Queens Platinum Jubilee Events in Middleham – Volunteers Needed!
Middleham Town Council and the Key Centre have organised a programme of events to celebrate the Jubilee in Middleham (see separate post and poster). We have obtained some funding from...
The Town Council, through a sub-committee headed by Kathy Wheeler comprising residents and councillors, has attracted significant external funding for a major revamp of the older children’s play...
Free holiday activity for children and young people in North Yorkshire who get benefits-related free school meals
North Yorkshire County Council and the North Yorkshire Together team would be grateful if you could print and display the attached poster in your parish, to help us encourage as many families as...
Children’s Christmas Party – cancelled
The Children’s Party on Saturday 11 December has been cancelled. A Covid risk assessment, which needs to be undertaken for all public events, highlighted that doors and windows in the Key Centre...
CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCHING BY OUR MAYOR, CLLR SUE FAIRHURST The Market Square, Friday 3rd December at 6.30pm Refreshments kindly donated by: The Black Bull (mince pies) The Wensleydale...
Middleham Super Feast Day!!! Bank Holiday Monday 30th August
Middleham Feast Committee, MSCWA and Middleham Town Council Present a community day to celebrate coming out of lockdown. This follows a similar pattern to the Sports and Fancy Dress annual event...
PLAY AREA EQUIPMENT Sorry – temporary closure whilst being re-painted!
A team of local volunteers has kindly agreed to rub down and repaint the play equipment. This will take place from Monday 28 June onwards on dry days when the forecast is good so we can’t always...
Virtual Training Courses for Young People
(The Town Council is posting this on behalf of North Yorkshire Youth - Council is sorry that some of the courses are now past but we have only just been made of the programme.) North Yorkshire...