Councillor Vacancies Middleham Town Council There are two vacancies on your Local Council and we are inviting you to step up and become a Town Councillor. What do Councillors do? Local...
Local Government Reorganisation
Promoting the Mayor’s consultation on funding for policing and fire and rescue services in York and North Yorkshire
David Skaith, the Mayor for York and North Yorkshire, is asking for your views before he sets the amount that goes to North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service from your...
Mayor’s consultation on funding for policing and fire and rescue services in York and North Yorkshire.
David Skaith, the Mayor for York and North Yorkshire, is asking for your views before he sets the amount that goes to North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service from your...
North Yorkshire Council Lets Talk Money
North Yorkshire Council is now in the second year of providing many of your local services, from rubbish collection and recycling, public health, social care and education, roads, transport...
Councillor Vacancies
Councillor Vacancies Middleham Town Council There are two vacancies on your Local Council and we are inviting you to step up and become a Town Councillor. What do Councillors do? Local...
Update on new Unitary Authority – North Yorkshire Council
The Town Council is attaching the latest briefing as, one way or another, residents and businesses may affected by the end of the District Council tier of government in North Yorkshire and...
Unitary Authority Consultation on Budget Priorities
Let's Talk .....Money In our last newsletter, we mentioned the biggest countywide conversation North...
The New Unitary Authority for North Yorkshire – Have Your Say in the Let’s Talk programme
Further to the Post published on September 27, 2022, that from 1 April 2023 a new North Yorkshire Council will replace the eight councils in North Yorkshire to deliver all the public services your...
The New Unitary Authority for North Yorkshire – Have Your Say in the Let’s Talk programme
This is a forwarded message from North Yorkshire County Council From 1 April 2023, North Yorkshire Council will replace the eight councils in North Yorkshire to deliver all the public services...
Consultation on the New North Yorkshire Unitary Authority ‘Let’s Talk campaign’
The Town Council has received the following from NYCC. We are kick-starting North Yorkshire’s biggest countywide conversation, Let’s Talk, this autumn to understand how the public are feeling,...