Garden waste licences now available Residents can now pay for their licence for the 2025 garden waste season. A licence costs £49 for collections between March and early December. This provides a...
Charity Bingo Night
Charity Bingo Night Wednesday 12th February 2025 Commencing 7.30pm Hawes Market Hall £6 entry (plays 6 standard games) 2 prizes per game £2 extra game - raffle Refreshments...
Apply to join the North Yorkshire Local Access Forum
Are you: Interested in rights of way and green spaces to explore and enjoy the countryside? Keen to help shape the future of rural and urban paths, and open access land? Able to represent...
North Yorkshire Council – Lets Talk Rubbish
North Yorkshire Council collects around 310,000 tonnes of household waste each year from over 300,000 properties. About 45 per cent of this is reused, recycled or composted. As part of Let’s...
Friends of the Dales Annual Conference ‘From Peat to Paddling’ Saturday, 24th September 2022, 1:00pm – 5:00pm
The Friends of the Dales annual conference is taking place on September 24, 1-5pm at Grassington's Devonshire Institute. Attached is a flyer containing details about the event, the speakers and their...
Tree Work on A6108 Range Road to Catterick Garrison and B6270 Reeth Road
The Town Council has received the below which explains why the work is being undertaken and also details of road closures that may affect your journey times. Notice of work to remove trees...
Skeeby Solar Farm – Public Webinar
Whilst this development is in Richmondshire, it is a long way from Middleham however as there may be a wider public interest in this type of development, you may be interested in a forthcoming...
Tree Planting at Pinkers Pond
If you are out and about this Saturday and see a group of people at Pinker's Pond, they are in fact volunteers making a positive difference this winter by planting 200 native trees to help enhance...