
Annual Town Meeting 2021

In England, Town and Parish Councils must hold an Annual Parish or Town Meeting between March 1st and June 1st (Local Government Act 1972 sch 12 para 14). This is a meeting of the electorate, and not...

Town Council opening hours

Following the announcement of stricter measures on 4 January, the Council Office in the Key Centre will remain closed.  You may still send an email to office@middlehamtowncouncil.gov.uk or call the...

Getting Help

A new page has been added to the website, with advice on how to get help during Covid and  links to Citizens Advice. You can go there directly by clicking here...

Swings in Play Areas refurbished

The Town Council arranges fortnightly inspections of the skate park and the Park Lane and Springs play areas, carried out by Richmondshire District Council. The swings in Park Lane and the Springs...