
What’s on at the Key Centre in September 2022

We are an information point & have a selection of brochures for the surrounding area, including bus timetables.  We have recycling boxes, blue  bags available and green gardening bags for sale.

Town Twinners: are holding a “Let them eat Cake” Saturday 17th September 3.00pm – 5.00pm A social event with a slice of cake and a glass of Fizz!  Entry is £5.00 per person, or £10.00 per family.

More cake, fizz and a raffle will be available.

Middleham Antiques at the Cubby Hole: open on Wednesdays & Thursdays 1.00pm – 2.30pm. Ring Angela for further details 07917 571180

Yoga Class:   Tuesdays at 6.30pm – 8.00pm.  For further details or to book a place, contact with Karen on 07825 554284.

‘T’ in the Afternoon: Wednesdays 2.00pm – 3.30pm in the Garden room.  All welcome and bring a craft if you wish. Everyone welcome.

Coffee Mornings: On Saturdays in The Garden room 10.30am – 12noon.  Everyone welcome.

Middleham Quilters:  Every Monday 11.00am – 2.30pm.  Welcomes new members.

Over 60s Luncheon Club: Every Thursday at 12noon, price £7.00.  Ring 01969 624002 to book     or inform us you can’t attend.

Citizens Advice Pop-up Desk:  usually here 4th Thursday of the month – 12.30pm to 2.00pm.

Middleham & Dales Local History group: Tuesday 20th September at 2.00pm.  Lecture “the Walls Clan of Coverdale (and friends) – from the Foresters Arms to The Somme” speaker Val Slater. For further information ring Tony Keates on 01969 640436

Women in Middleham: Tuesday 20th September at 7.00pm in Lady Anne Neville room.  Lecture: “Charles Waterton of Walton Hall, West Riding of Yorkshire” speaker Barbara Phipps.   For further details contact

Our Book Swap is working well and has a lot of choice, but we can only accept paperbacks in reasonable condition.  Thank you.

Middleham Town Council:  The next Council meeting is on Wednesday 7th September at 6.30pm.

Community Police:  If you need to contact our local PCSO ring 101 or we can contact them.

 **Date for your diary: Key Centre Quiz on 28th October…… this space!

Middleham Key Centre, Park Lane, Middleham DL8 4RA    Email: