Middleham Key Centre, Park Lane, Middleham DL8 4RA 01969 624002
Email: office@middleham-key.co.uk www.middlehamkeycentre.co.uk
GREAT NEWS: MKC now has a dedicated BT Super-Fast Broadband line. If you are looking for an office or similar space, contact us to come a see what is available.
“PLATINUM JUBILEE” QUIZ NIGHT: Friday 29th April. ‘Bring & Share’ buffet. Raffle. Tickets £5.00 inc Tea & Coffee. Teams of up to 6 people. Tickets will be available from 1st April. You are welcome to bring your own ‘Tipple’
Citizens Advice Pop-up Desk: Thursday 28th April 1.00pm to 2.30pm.
Yoga Class: Tuesdays at 6.30pm – 8.00pm. On Easter break 12th & 19th April. For further details or to book a place, contact with Karen on 07825 554284
‘T’ in the Afternoon: Wednesdays 2.00pm – 3.30pm in the Garden room. All welcome and bring a craft if you wish. Everyone welcome.
Coffee Mornings: On Saturdays in The Garden room 10.30am – 12noon. Everyone welcome.
Middleham Quilters: Every Monday 11.00am – 2.30pm. Welcomes new members. Easter break 18th April.
Over 60s Luncheon Club: Every Thursday at 12noon. On Easter break 14th & 21st. Ring 01969 624002 to book or inform us you can’t attend.
Women in Middleham: Tuesday 19th April at 7.00pm in The Garden Room. Lecture: “Life in a Yorkshire Village WW2” by Vivienne Rivis. For further details contact womeninmiddleham@gmail.com
Middleham & Dales Local History Group: Tuesday 19th April at 2.00pm in Richard III hall. Lecture: “Harkerside in the 1800’s – Swaledale farmers feud to control sheep grazing rights” Speaker Will Swales. For further information ring Tony Keates on 01969 640436
Antique & Collectors’ Fair Sunday 24th April 10.00am – 4.00pm Refreshments available.
Our Book Swap is working well and has a lot of choice, but we can only accept paperbacks in reasonable condition. Thank you.
Middleham Town Council: Email: office@middlehamtowncouncil.gov.uk Tel: 07531 580499 during office hours. www.middlehamtowncouncil.co.uk
Community Police: If you need to contact our local PCSO ring 101 or we can contact them.
Middleham Stables Open Day 2022: Good Friday 15th April – Racing Welfare are offering Middleham Residents discounted ticket prices up to 14th April. Tickets can be purchased from The Key Centre, Racing Welfare office or online (using code RESIDENT) Also “Advance” tickets available to purchase for everyone else.
Refreshments & Open Day Tickets: on Good Friday will be available at The Key Centre from 8.00am – 2.00pm
The Hair Shoppe – To make your appointment ring Claire on 01969 624401.