Whilst this development is in Richmondshire, it is a long way from Middleham however as there may be a wider public interest in this type of development, you may be interested in a forthcoming presentation by the promoters of the scheme.
Application details can be viewed at the RDC website here. https://planning.richmondshire.gov.uk/online-applications/simpleSearchResults.do?action=firstPage
The promoter has advised:
We have had several requests to do a public consultation to update anyone interested in our current solar application.
While we appreciate not ideal, we have been advised the preference from many due to the risk of the Omicron COVID-19 variant, and for the ease of travel, Pre-Christmas is to do this online.
The meeting will last no more than 1 hour with an initial 20-minutes overview of the proposal followed by any Q&A from attendees.
Register in advance for this webinar:
Date: Tuesday 14th December 18:00 (GMT)
Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_r9wPuneCQ7iKj0vLdJ9OSQ
The meeting will be recorded and made available online for anyone who is unable to attend.
We welcome you to pass the above link to anyone interested in attending; this will be advertised via local papers and distributed to our mailing list. https://www.richmondshiretoday.co.uk/presentation-announced-on-30m-solar-farm-plans/
If you have any questions, please let me know, and I hope you can attend.