
Report from Town Meeting 18 May 2022

In England, Town and Parish Councils must hold an Annual Parish or Town Meeting between March 1st and June 1st (Local Government Act 1972 sch 12 para 14). This is a meeting of the electorate, and not the council, although it is convened and chaired by the Mayor. Middleham’s Annual Town Meeting receives reports from the Mayor and Clerk as well as guest speakers on topics of local interest.

This year we ere very fortunate to have 2 very interesting speakers.  Firstly, County Cllr Karin Sedgwick who represents the Middle Dales Ward of North Yorkshire County Council and was recently elected as ward Councillor for the New Unitary Authority.  Karin talked about ‘The Joys of Canvassing’; her experience walking around Middleham meeting residents.

Then PCSO Helenor Gwatkin of the Alcohol Licensing team at Leyburn Police Station talked about “Community Engagement and Alcohol Licensing”.

Copies of the Mayor’s and Clerk’s reports are here

Thank you to the residents who attended.