You may have noticed that the Jubilee Light in the market square has been painted with a fresh coat of shiny black paint. It was thoroughly rubbed down as well so should look good for a long time. This work was very kindly carried out by Steve Byford and Colin Gouck.
At the bottom of the lamp’s base a substantial square metal access cover had become loose; the bolts had gone and their sockets rusted through. Consequently the panel was kept in position with an ugly metal strap. Richard Tarn volunteered to re-drill and fix new bolts and also to obtain a neoprene gasket to ensure a snug fit and be waterproof.
Thank you to these gentlemen for giving up their time and to Simon Burren for coordinating the work and finding the right paint. Over a number of years residents have been working voluntarily on the church tower and Council is very grateful that they are now giving up their time to carry out tasks elsewhere. Simon will now lead a team painting the play equipment in the Spring’s Play area. Thank you very much to everyone who has offered to help.
Council is also very grateful to Rosemary Thompson who has painted the honesty boxes a much more conspicuous yellow!
Now Spring has arrived and summer approaches, you may also have noted the flowers in tubs and troughs and the Jubilee Fountain, which is also the work of volunteers. Rosemary and Sue Fairhurst do a wonderful job each year replenishing the compost and plants in the town – and watering them as well when it’s dry.
Thank you to everyone who gets involved with these activities which keep the Town looking well-presented.
If you would like to be involved in any such activity, please contact David, the Town Clerk at or 07531 580499 or speak to any Councillor. Council can provide materials and gloves etc.