Middleham has 7 Town Councillors. Following the recent elections, 6 of the previous Councillors were nominated and reappointed with effect from 9 May. Accordingly, there is a vacancy for a new Councillor. If you would like to be considered, you are invited to send a written expression of interest to the Town Clerk’s office (either by letter or email to office@middlehamtowncouncil.gov.uk) by midday on Wednesday 15 June 2022. The vacancy will be filled by co-option at the council meeting to be held at 6.30pm on Wednesday 22 June 2022. Each candidate will be invited to say a few words about themselves at that meeting, which will be held at the Key Centre.
To be eligible, you must:
- be 18 years old or over; and
- be an elector for the parish; or
- have resided in the parish for the past twelve months or rented/tenanted land in the parish; or
- had your principal place of work in the parish; or
- have lived within three miles (direct) of the parish.
There are potential disqualifications relating to bankruptcy restriction orders, criminal convictions and having been imprisoned. This does not necessarily render a candidate ineligible however Council needs to be aware.
If you are unsure what being a councillor involves, a job description is available from the Clerk. If you wish to discuss the role and the co-option process, please speak to any Councillor or the Clerk.
David Keep, Town Clerk
Middleham Town Council, Middleham Key Centre, Park Lane, Middleham, DL8 4RA
Email: office@middlehamtowncouncil.gov.uk