
Mobile Access North Yorkshire (MANY) – Residents Meetings in Coverdale

Part of Middleham Town Council falls within Coverdale.  We have received the following from the MANY team:

We are continuing our community engagement and speaking to more people within Coverdale to find out more about how a lack of digital connectivity affects lives in the area. These continue via our research partners – Lancaster University.

To engage further with the community we are holding two online events at the beginning of February –Invitation and Letter to Residents is attached for your convenience, however, you will, also, receive this in the post. This invitation is being sent to everyone in Coverdale (including those outside the proposed signal area) via the post but please feel free to pass it on to anyone in the area, or display it in areas as you wish.

These events will give an update on the project and an explanation of the technology we are proposing following the completion of technical feasibility studies and continued conversations with residents. We are, also, giving residents the opportunity to present their views about the project and what impact improved connectivity would have on the area. We are keen for those who support improved connectivity to have their views heard, however, because of this we feel it is right to allow other sides of the argument to be heard – as we are aware of some objections.

As a project we are keen to tell your story and highlight the need for reliable and robust connectivity in Coverdale in order to ensure its sustainability for the future but, at this time we need your vocal support.

If all goes to plan, our aim is to have a live network by April 2021, allowing Coverdale to benefit from the latest technology bringing connectivity to the area. At this point there will be an opportunity to test out new technology. We understand that not all residents we have spoken to, will want to do this. Therefore, if you are please let me know so I can pass your details onto our relevant team.


(If you have any queries about this, please raise with the MANY team and not the Town Council.)


Categories: 5G