
Local Government Reorganisation and How it may Affect North Yorkshire

Central government is undertaking a consultation for reorganisation of local government in parts of England, including North Yorkshire, at a time when all levels of government are  focussed upon Covid19.  The outcome of this review may have significant consequences for the future provision of local services and democratic accountability in our area of North Yorkshire so residents may wish to follow developments and contribute their own views.

Your Town Council convened a community meeting on 23 September 2020 to hear residents’ views and received a presentation from NYCC (RDC was invited but did not take part).  The approach to future arrangements put forward by our District and County Councils are quite different.

The submissions to central government made by the Town Council, Richmondshire District County and North Yorkshire County Council can be accessed by clicking the links.

Middleham Town Council

RDC – East-West Public summary

NYCC response to central government