
Key Centre Update – August 2020

Middleham Key Centre, Park Lane, Middleham DL8 4RA    ( 01969 624002 Email:

The Key Centre office is open Monday to Thursday 9.00am – 2.00pm.  The services we offer at present are photocopying, internet access, general information and providing recycling boxes and bags.  You can ring Pam on 07772 736006 or Lesley on 01969 622615.   We are happy to help if we can or signpost you to the relevant services.  We hope those who are able, will keep an eye out for their neighbours.  Stay sensible and safe.

Antique & Collectors’ Fair   Sunday 29th August at 10.00am – 4.00pm Refreshments available.

Stage School:  Learn to act, sing & dance.  Sundays at 10.00am – 12noon. For details on joining, ring A J Productions on 07369 205764 or 07999 428171   Email:

The Hair Shoppe:    To make your appointment ring Claire on 01969 624401.

Book Swap will follow the same system as being used by book shops, whereby newly donated, returned or rejected books are quarantined.  The boxes are clearly labelled.  We can only accept paperbacks in reasonable condition.  Many thanks.

Medicine blister packs:  We have set up a collection point for used medicine blister packs to be recycled by TERRACYCLE.  Our used stamps collection is still in operation, collecting for RNLI.

Yoga Class: on summer break during August.   For further info contact with Karen on 07825 554284.

Volunteers: We are on the lookout for willing volunteers.  If you can spare some time to support our work in the community and the smooth running of the centre, please contact us for a chat. My number is 01969 622615.  Thank you, Lesley.

We are taking names for those of you interested in doing the ‘Emergency First Aid at Work’ which we will book a date, as soon as lockdown has eased.  The course will be £57.50 which includes VAT and certification.

dlMiddleham Town Council: Email:  or ring 07531 580499 during office hours.  Website:

Community Police:  If you need to contact our local PCSO please telephone 101 the non-emergency number directly.

Middleham Key Centre opportunity: Office and storage space have recently become available.  For further details contact Mike Sweeting on 07779 652066.

Temporary vacancy for: Part time cleaner (Maternity cover from July 21) flexible around events, but mainly on a weekly cycle. Duties can be carried out outside of normal working hours.

**We still ask you to wear a mask and use the hand sanitiser when entering and leaving the building.  Thank you.