
HM Queens Platinum Jubilee June 2022

The Ton Council is pleased and proud to announce that we are proposing a series of events in Middleham to celebrate Her Majesty the Queens Platinum Jubilee as our Monarch. We are following the guide dates set by Buckingham Palace through the extra-long Bank Holiday weekend. Here is the proposed outline timetable:

Thursday 2nd June 2022 – evening

A gathering of Middleham Residents and visitors to watch the lighting of the beacon on the tower of Middleham Castle. Exact time to be confirmed

Friday 3rd June – afternoon

A “Picnic in the Park” on Middleham Playing Fields. Residents are invited to bring their picnics, blankets and chairs for an afternoon of fun, including children’s games, bouncy castle and slide.

Saturday 4th June – afternoon

A Middleham Street Party on the Market Square, which will be decorated with bunting. Tables will be sourced for laying out the food. Please bring your own food or bring dishes to share. Music will be laid on with dancing for the children.

Sunday 5th June – times to be confirmed

There will be a church service within the Castle to give thanks for Her Majesty’s 70-year reign. Followed by a Coronation Lunch at the Key Centre. A glass of fizz on arrival to toast Her Majesty. We aim to cater for approx. 80 people and ask those attending to come wearing a home-made crown! Timings and how to book for the lunch will be sorted and publicised as soon as we can.

These are outline proposals. We need a group of people to help to organise everything and make sure it runs well each day. We welcome other ideas and offers to help. We will only be able to put on these events with help from you all. If you are a business who has ideas for how to add to the outline above, if you are able to contribute food, or sponsorship and, most of all, we will need people to help us over the weekend itself, to put up the bunting, clear the cars from the Square, move tables etc etc. Please get in touch via the Key Centre or the Town Clerk with your offers to help and your suggestions.

David Keep, Town Clerk

07531 580499 

Pam Avison, Key Centre Co-ordinator

01969 624002