Council Meeting Agendas

Meetings will be held on the last Wednesday of the month with the exception of August (there is no meeting this month) at 6.30pm in the Key Centre, Middleham. Residents are always welcome to attend meetings.

Please see below a list of meeting dates for 2024-25
Full Council Meeting Wednesday 26th June 2024
Full Council Meeting Wednesday 31st July 2024
Full Council Meeting Wednesday 25th September 2024
Full Council Meeting Wednesday 30th October 2024
Full Council Meeting Wednesday 27th November 2024
Full Council Meeting Wednesday 18th December 2024 (Provisional)
Full Council Meeting Wednesday 29th January 2025
Full Council Meeting Wednesday 26th February 2025
Full Council Meeting Wednesday 26th March 2025
Full Council Meeting Wednesday 30th April 2025
Annual Town Meeting Wednesday 14th May 2025
Annual Meeting of the Council/Full Council Meeting Wednesday 28th May 2025

The public and press may attend the meetings and a period of 15 minutes is set aside at the start of each meeting for residents to ask questions.

The agenda is published on the preceding Thursday and displayed on the Council’s notice boards (one on the wall of the Key Centre, the other in the main square) and this website.

Agendas are transferred to the archive section after 12 months.