
Annual Town Meeting Wednesday 18 May 2022 at 6.30pm

Mayors of smaller councils are obliged to hold an annual parish or town meeting at this time of year.  This is not a Council meeting but an opportunity for your Mayor, Cllr Sue Fairhurst, and the Clerk to report to the Town’s residents on the past year. Residents will have the opportunity to ask questions.

The Mayor also invites guest speakers who this year are:

  1. County Cllr Karin Sedgwick represents the Middle Dales Ward of North Yorkshire County Council and was recently elected as ward Councillor for the New Unitary Authority.  Karin’s talk is ‘The Joys of Canvassing’; her experience walking around Middleham meeting residents.
  2. PCSO Helenor Gwatkin of the Alcohol Licensing team at Leyburn Police Station will talk on “Community Engagement and Alcohol Licensing”

The meeting will last around one hour.  Only Middleham residents may attend.

Sue hopes that you may find the meeting interesting and looks forward to seeing you.

A copy of the formal notice can be seen here: