
Reporting possible breaches of coronavirus (Covid-19) measures

Occasionally Council receives residents’ reports of possible breaches of coronavirus (Covid-19) measures.  If you are concerned that there may be a serious breach of the rules, such as a large gathering of people obviously from many different households, you may report these to Council either via or to Councillors via their telephone numbers shown here.  Councillors shall look up and check the current rules on what people can and cannot do and make further enquiries.  Our local Police team have asked that these should not be reported to them so Council will report the incident to the nationally-run website.

The exception to this would be in an emergency.

What is an emergency?

  • is there a threat to life (including road traffic incidents where someone is injured or the road is blocked)?
  • does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon?
  • is there a risk of serious damage to property?
  • is a serious offence in progress?
  • there’s serious disruption to the public or there could be

If so, please call 999 straightaway.